Welcome to the Insular ABC's Initiative Phase 3

Year 4 and 5

The Insular ABCs Initiative encompassed a multi-year effort by the Department of the Interior, Office of Insular Affairs (OIA) to improve the quality of public schools in the four US territories: American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), Guam, and the US Virgin Islands (USVI). The third phase of this initiative executed a two-pronged strategy to reduce deferred maintenance (DM) at public schools in the four areas and build organizational sustainability of the facility management offices for the school districts. The Final Comprehensive Report of the multi-year effort is available at the hyperlink to the right.

Year 4 and 5 of Phase 3 encompassed several efforts including continued DM reduction projects, the creation of Preventive Maintenance Plans, Condition Assessment updates, the creation of Facility Master Plans, and transfer of Enterprise Asset Management System (EAMS) management to the school districts. A summary of Year 4 progress is available in the hyperlink to the right.

Preventive Maintenance Plans:

Preventive maintenance plans documented critical actions to be undertaken to ensure that ASDOE, GDOE, and VIDE facilities, infrastructure, and equipment remain viable and that investments are maximized. Hyperlinks to the respective reports are available in the hyperlinks to the right. The plans are comprised of three core components:

1. Job Plans: key PM tasks and execution steps for maintenance staff or contracted work.

2. Work plans: task locations and frequencies, estimated resource requirements, and logistical considerations.

3. Organization and Management Structure Change Recommendations: a review of existing management and staff positions, and recommended adjustments to best support proactive facility management.

Condition Assessment updates:

Condition assessments were conducted for ASDOE and GDOE to update information gathered in 2013. Conditions of eight “work activities” were assessed in this update including: Roofing, Exterior, Interiors, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and school grounds (Site). The assessment summary reports (see hyperlinks to the right) identify where major DM investments are needed and rough order of magnitude costs to resolve DM items. DM work orders for about 3,000 facility components at ASDOE schools were updated, identifying about $5.4M in remaining DM ($0.2M in high priority DM). About 11,000 DM work orders were updated for GDOE, identifying about $120M in DM ($70M in high priority DM).

Facility Master Plans

School Facility Master Plans (FMP) were created in cooperation with the American Samoa and Guam Departments of Education to establish goals and facility standard guidelines, from which school adequacy can be assessed, and to define the improvements that are needed to meet the territories’ education program goals. The FMPs provide a prioritized implementation plan for improvements across the school facility inventories, serve as support for funding requests, and provide a road map to ensure that investments support current and future teaching and learning modalities.

EAMS Transfer to School District Management

Training was conducted in a sequence of iterative, module-based sessions for the primary EAMS database and interface, as well as the web-viewer that graphically depicts school facility data and scenario tool for modelling funding scenario consequences. Three user guides that were provided to school district EAMS users:

  1. Administrator User Guide
  2. Data Entry User Guide
  3. School User Guide

[EAMS reports are not available online to protect sensitive information]



Year 4 and 5 Documents:

    Insular ABC's Final Comprehensive ABCs Report

    Year 4 Summary Report

    Preventive Maintenance Plans:




    Condition Assessment Summaries




    Facility Master Plans

    Guam FMP and brochure are available here




    American Samoa FMP not available online